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your uncommon senseis
certified coaches, healers & teachers
Women well-versed in all-things alternative, holistic & natural healing, your Uncommon Senseis are ready to dance with you toward your healthiest life. With educations from Ivy League & U.S. military schools + thousands of hours of holistic health training in complementary natural healthcare modalities, get ready for a wildly compassionate, entertaining ride toward you living your very best, ideal lifestyle.

Wow what a practice! I had COVID really bad back in the winter and once I was recovered I needed something to help get my body and mind back in gear. Practicing with Brittany was exactly what I needed.
- David W.
After a private sound healing and reiki session with Sarah, it gave me a chance to go into such deep relaxation. The sound and vibration reached deep into the body. It cleared the mind, body, spirit. It is a uniquely amazing, deeply relaxing experience.
- Monica F.
Thank you for sharing yourself generously + transparently and providing a space for others to see possibility within themselves. Continue to shine your light brightly!
- Carla H.
we also handcraft sacred wellness
use your aromatherapy with u.s.:
use your malas with u.s.:
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